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Ann Herrick Books for Kids & Teens

Snowed in Together

What secrets are revealed when six teens get trapped at school on a Saturday?

Wes and his best buds, Tony and Jeff, have enough brain power to fuel the entire sophomore class, but when it comes to their social lives they are totally inept. So they volunteer to help Mr. Korman organize the art room on Saturday morning, because they know three certain sophomore cheerleaders will be there for extra practice. Trouble is, none of the guys can come up with a plan to take advantage of the opportunity to be the only six students in the building.

Then, thanks to a freak snowstorm, they’re snowed in, and being snowed in isn’t so bad when the girls of your dreams are there, too. Maybe it could give Wes the chance to make his wildest fantasies come true!

But the last thing Wes expects is to be caught in a game where they’re all supposed to share their deepest secrets. He fears if Ellyce finds out the secret he is harboring, she’ll never want anything to do with him. She’s the girl of his dreams, but can he resist Tiffany’s signals if Ellyce shuts him out?

Who ends up with whom at the end of the weekend?

Ebook Available at:
Amazon Kindle

Paperback available at:
Barnes and Noble


4 Stars
“…funny banter, deep teen insight and interesting bonding.”
~~Sailon, Shelfari

4 Stars
This book was such a fun, quick read…

I really enjoyed the fact that the story was told from a boy’s point of view. So many young adult contemporary novels are told from a female’s perspective. I liked the change up! … The six students come together and deal with [their] ordeal as a team.

While being snowed in, the students share deep secrets. Some struggle more than others to share those secrets. In the end, their relationships grow, but not necessarily in the way that is expected! I appreciated the unpredictability of the story.

If you enjoy young adult contemporary books, this one is worth your while. ~~Sara J. Kovach (on Amazon)

5 Stars
“…A great book, funny and a quick read. The ending wraps up nicely and you’ll finish this in no time.”

5 Stars
“Ann Herrick’s Snowed in Together is a captivating story that mirrors the insecurities of three intelligent but socially inept teen boys who are snowed in at school for a weekend with three popular cheerleaders. Temptations are strong, but urges are portrayed in a tasteful and realistic manner. Young readers will identify with the characters in this story, especially Wes, who’s afraid if the others learn the secrets of his home life, he’ll lose any chance he has with Ellyce. It’s not a straight line to figure out who ends up in what relationships!”

~~Betty Jo Schuler, Writing Instructor, Writer’s Digest University

4 Stars
At Barnesandnoble and Goodreads!

5 Stars
“Snowed In Together reminded me of one of my favorite movies – The Breakfast Club…I found myself laughing out loud at the things males go through that we females never see…Ann Herrick’s “Snowed In Together” is definitely a five star story!

~~Zee, Fire Pages Reviews

5 Stars
“Quick and fun read! I read this book in one sitting. In a way the book kind of reminded me of the movie The Breakfast Club. All in all a good read and you can’t beat the price!”

4 Stars
“…By sharing their most intimate secrets, these six highschoolers become emotionally involved with each other and learn something about themselves that makes life just a little bit easier to live.

The story has a credible ending and nice, realistic characters who personified small town highschoolers. This was written from a guy’s point of view, so much of his inner dialogue was in reference to what looking at the cheerleaders did to his body. Not graphic, and might be something girls should understand…

I liked Ann Herrick’s writing style…fun to read…

Would I recommend it to friends? Yes”

~~The Book Runner

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